The SCAPE system offers a selection of two different Grid Scanner options with patented view-based recognition method using 2D features from images and 3D features from point clouds.

SCAPE Grid Scanner Recognition™ - Compact (OP13-08)


SCAPE Grid Scanner Recognition™
- Tool Unit Compact 

  • The SCAPE Grid Scanner Recognition™ is patented view-based recognition method using 2D features from images and 3D features from point clouds. The software recognize parts with very glossy surfaces and generates a 3D point cloud from one single image. 
  • A camera acquires an image of a grid from an LED projector and generates a point cloud from this information.
  • It can be used in different ranges, i.e. working range can be chosen depending on the size of the part to be recognized.
  • Easy installation: The 3D sensor developed by Scape and the camera is mounted inside the SCAPE Tool Unit - Compact and mounted directly on the robot arm. 
  • High flexibility and cost-effective solution: The SCAPE Grid Scanner Recognition™ can scan from many different angles and service as many bins as the robot can reach.


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SCAPE Grid Scanner Recognition™ - Standard (OP13-09)


SCAPE Grid Scanner Recognition™
- Tool Unit Standard/Large

  • The SCAPE Grid Scanner Recognition™ is patented view-based recognition method using 2D features from images and 3D features from point clouds. The software recognize parts with very glossy surfaces and generates a 3D point cloud from one single image. 
  • A camera acquires an image of a grid from an LED projector and generates a point cloud from this information.
  • It can be used in different ranges, i.e. working range can be chosen depending on the size of the part to be recognized.
  • Easy installation: The 3D sensor developed by Scape and the camera is mounted inside the SCAPE Tool Unit - Standard/Large and mounted directly on the robot arm. 
  • High flexibility and cost-effective solution: The SCAPE Grid Scanner Recognition™ - Standard can scan from many different angles and service as many bins as the robot can reach.
  • It can be used in different ranges, i.e. working range can be chosen depending on the size of the part to be recognized.


See specifications

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